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It’s All About Connection

From internal cellular communication to family systems to global ecosystems, it’s all about connection. Knowing this will create greater health within your body-mind system, more coherent relationships, and healthy environments for all aspects of life on this planet.


It’s all about connection. Your life relies on the connection between all of the information within your body-mind system . You are designed for success and self-healing. Your body-mind system accesses information from your environment which translates into communication within. Your system monitors stress and the need for calm through your Nervous System which is connected to every muscle, tissue, and gland of your body. You breathe, blink, and digest on your own. Your heart functions without your instruction. Your system is just that, an organization of many parts speaking to one another at the cellular and biochemical levels. This information can be read through EEGs and EKGs. Heart rate, hormone levels, enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones, and circulation can all be measured.

The Chinese Five Element and Meridian System works with the connections between your organ systems. Creating harmony and balance between them depends on communication between all of them. Access to information within your system has both a historic as well current flow based on stress, trauma, and emotional impact of pain or violence from the past. This translates into energy flows throughout your system related to the information you took in through the DNA of your parents and ancestors along with the information from the stress of life you experience that is influenced by the quality of communication, energy flow, vitality, emotion, thought, attitude and beliefs.

Information from your family system can impact your sense of wellness and well-being. This means that the impact of war past or present, loss, grief, accidents, etc. have an effect on your development, how you express yourself in the world, and the way you interpret life itself. In fact, your prenatal and birth process, as well as the unconscious material from your Family System, become the template for how you experience the world around you. This includes inclusion and exclusion of groups, quality of life, feelings, and all your relationships.


It’s all about connection. There is a direct relationship between your family of origin’s patterns and the effect it has on your choices in relationships. It impacts the people and groups you choose or do not choose whether that be conscious or unconscious. Your family of origin culture and history contribute to the conflict style you inherit and continue to attract. This gets translated into current-day interactions at the office, in your personal relationships and community.

The importance of this information is that it creates tribal resonance with unresolved victim and perpetrator cycles which have not been acknowledged for their long-standing depth of influence. This then creates larger conflict across various groups when underlying unmet needs are not acknowledged on both sides. Unresolved perpetrator -victim responses from the past in any previous experience creates continuing struggle. From this perspective, communities, countries, and continents across the globe are tied together in these energetic tangles of the violence cycle.

The Resonance Repatterning® process works with clients in-person, by phone and proxy. In New Physics, at the quantum level, everything is energy and energy is everything. We are all connected. This happens through the energetics of electromagnetic frequency that communicates information in your body-mind system. Case in point, when I start group workshops, I often demonstrate the group connection with a single battery-operated ball in the hand of one person who then connects to another person in a circle where everyone has joined hands. The ball lights up. Yet if only one person takes their hand away from the circle, no matter the size of the circle, the light goes out. The implications for this amazing possibility means that what we do individually has an effect on the greater common good of humanity and the world.


It’s all about connection. We live in a larger community of which we are all a part. The disconnect comes when we do not recognize that we are part of this same community of nature. The idea that humans are superior to nature and the Cartesian idea that nature can be separated into parts like a machine creates the go-ahead for mining, cutting, burning, and resourcing without regard for the long term effects on the larger connected community, ecosystems and all of the sentient beings who live here.

The connection between air and water currents create weather systems that travel across the globe. The imbalance and depletion of elements that contribute to these systems impact the world globally with drought, flooding, storms, and heat. Even the movement of tectonic plates impact shifts in water currents that create ripple effects for communities around the world with tsunamis and volcanic activity.

We are experiencing increased global heating, severe weather patterns, refugee migration, loss of habitats, and contributors to overall systemic health with depletion of overall systemic connections across the planet. There is no question that our individual and collective choices impact unseen diverse populations deep within the oceans with plastic ingestion, cutting of forests, and destruction of ecosystems. Our ability to work with the fact that we are all connected benefits everyone. Together we can heal.

I’d like to invite you to explore how I’d like to invite you to experience Resonance Repatterning® sessions to create tangible and sustainable positive change in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype, or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

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